AIRA AL Evap Coolers

External metal louvres
Ripstop vinyl weatherproof cover
Adjustable galvanised roofstand
Variety of contol
options including:
VSD Drive
Rotary Dial
AIRA Evaporative coolers are industry leading, marine grade aluminium coolers for commercial and Industrial applications around Australia.
AL coolers utilise high efficiency (80%) long life 75mm CELPAD pads. With a cabinet manufactured from heavy duty marine grade aluminium and a non corrosive low water content reservoir the AL range of coolers is the pinacle of quality. With a range of optional features such as adjustable roofstand, dump valve, painted finish, external louvres and specialised screens available these coolers are suitable for almost any application. From 1500 to 23,000 L/s, thousands of down, side and top discharge AL coolers have been installed in applications as diverse as mining and construction sites to specialist hospital projects.
An ideal replacement cooler for Arctic Circle, Airite and Crockford & Robertson coolers.
An extensive range of spare parts are also available.
A variety of screens, covers and louvres are available for specialized and specific problem areas. For bushfire prone areas a fine mesh screen is available. For industrial applications an insect proofing screen is available and for general Celpad protection a galvanized, painted or stainless steel cover can be provided. AIRA galvanized roof stands are available for all AL series coolers. These ‘flat pack’ stands come with adjustable angle mounting feet, telescopic legs, are easy to assemble and are designed to take the full operating weight of the cooler.Off season heavy duty weatherproof ripstop canvas covers are also available to suit all AIRA AL series coolers. Range of colours available.